Kinder Screening
What is Kinder Screening?
Kinder Screening is where I come to your centre and conduct short screening assessments for your children. This is a wonderful service to provide for your families, especially in preparation for school readiness and early intervention concerns.
Kinder Screening helps to identify children who may need extra assistance in developing their speech and language skills or who may need extra assistance at school.
Kinder Screening also identifies students who have other communication difficulties such as stuttering and voice problems.
What does Kinder screening involve?
On a day chosen by the centre, I will visit the centre to conduct the screenings. Each child who has been referred by their teacher and/or parent/guardian will take part in a short screening test that provides information about the child’s speech and language skills. The Speech Pathologist may also observe the chld playing and talking with others.
I aim to make the organisation of the screenings a simple process for your centre. All parent/guardian permission forms are provided by ‘and the little one said’ and payments can also be made directly to ‘and the little one said ‘, avoiding any extra administration time by centre staff.
How long will it take?
The screening test is quick. It only takes about 10-15 minutes with each child.
How much does it cost?
$40 per child. Cost includes 10-15 min screening assessment plus a brief written report.
Depending on the number of children booked, a discounted fee can be offered for the screening service.
What will happen next?
I will provide parents and the centre with the Kinder Screening results in a short report for each child. The report may make recommendations for parents to follow up e.g. referral to a Speech Pathologist, Paediatrician or Audiologist.
If a child requires a referral to a Speech Pathologist, you can help parents make this referral by suggesting they;
- make an appointment with their GP,
- contact their local community health centre or
- go online at to ‘find a speech pathologist’ and then contact the private Speech Pathologist directly.